Ok so last night I was thinking along with Erlene that we need to figure out just how much the important things are going to cost all of us in Hawaii, so I put some figures together for you all to check out and to be honest it's a lot better looking than I thought it was going to be.
Broken down by five groups I've come up with we can call couples, the total cost of things will be divided by 5. Then that amount will be how much each couple pays obviously. The couples are as follows:
Dad Mom
Eric May
Aaron Erlene
EJ Sabrina
Elison Eileen
So for a better look check out how things break down below.
Adults: $27 each, $297 total
Kids: $15 each, $45 total
Total: $342 $69 per couple
Waimea Falls:
Adults: $24 each, $168 total (EJ, Sabrina, Mom and Dad are free)
Kids: $12 each, (4-12 years old) $48 total
Total: $216 $43 per couple
Hanauma Bay:
Adults: $5 each, $35 total (EJ, Sabrina, Dad, & Mom are free for sure and possibly most of us)
Kids: FREE under 13 (Isaiah you're 12 in Hawaii dude)
Parking: $2 per car $6 total (that's three cars)
Total: $41 $8 per couple
Car Rental:
$403.00 per car for 6/19-7/2, 5 passenger dodge calibur through Thrifty rental with promo code #2150.
$806.00 total (2 cars)
$161.00 per couple (that's actually a lot less than I expected)
Ok so now if we add all this taking into consideration that we go to Hanauma bay like 3 times it's about $315 per couple for just the things mentioned above. Even adding in things like kayaks, food and gas you won't break $600 with say $150 for food, $40 for kayaks and maybe $60 for gas.
Please feel free to correct or say anything about these amounts. Think, we might not spend too much. We could replace certain things with say moped rentals or something. Also remember this is just the main things listed up here we still have a alcohol fund that I Aaron will be taking money for lol GA DOOOOSH!!!!!
I got one! Me and mom get military price at Waimea too.
Oh! and Nicky and Kaelin are free at the Oceanarium.
Don't we have 4 kids for the Waimea falls?? If Issiah is going to be 12 i mean......
Right. See, that's even better! This trip is gonna be great! That's even more money saved...oh used somewhere else. We can use it at Giovanni's Shrimp Truck or that fast food place by your guys' house or moped rentals or souvenirs or our water balloon fight or......NICKY's birthday party Friday or Saturday!!!!
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