Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Patience, Nicky, Kaelin
Ok sorry guys and gals. We're postponing the "meeting." We can blame Ateh May and Eric. Hahaha So since me and Aaron are off tomorrow, we can have it earlier. I'm thinking around the time Ateh May get's off work. So I'll call you guys around 5 or 6PM. Thank you Sister Sabrina for getting involved in OUR blog!!! There are some funny posts/comments on there so for those of you who still haven't participated (this is a FAMILY thing) please do so. Any suggestions, ideas, pictures, stories, concerns, or just random stuff you'd like to share with all of us! Have fun, watch the bad words and x rated pics! LOVE YOU GUYS and GALS!!!!
Blog/Blackberry Addiction
I think I'm gonna be addicted to this now. Dang it, even less sleep than I already don't get! I better take a nap now while I wait for Aaron to get off work.
The Shizskis
Oh wow! I love my blackberry!!! This little device is the shitskis!!! The only problem is, I can only type so many characters but hey its blogging on the go!
TONIGHT!!! Tuesday, May 26
Ok guys and gals, we all know that money doesn't grow on trees. So that means we need to make our plans and budget soon. Me and Aaron would like to start working on our itinerary tonight. Please post any ideas that you guys have of anything you want to do. I will be calling you guys (Ateh May, Ateh Eileen, Sister, EJ, and Elison) tonight! We will decide on a time TONIGHT to have our conference "meeting" in the chatbox on our blog. That means you have to be at mom and dad's ATEH MAY or ask Ashley to borrow her laptop and have everybody go to your house TONIGHT! So please start posting. Aaron has put up a few ideas, but we know that you guys (EJ and Sister) have plans too. If possible, please include a weblink or pic or something. Thank you guys and gals!!!! We are sooooo excited!!!
Dad is doing sooo much better !!!
Dad is doing a lot better. He was actually up in his wheelchair for at LEAST 2 whole hours!!! Yay! He had a blast this past weekend. He was throwing water balloons at us from his wheelchair (base) during our water fight! Yes, dad was "base" since we didn't want to get him wet again after his shower in the morning. Or hurt from the crossfire of water balloons and water guns. Pics will be up later. Let's keep him going and keep praying!!! We LOVE you dad!!!
PS we ARE doing this in Hawaii too. It was too much fun. We have to do it with the WHOLE family!!!