Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
Ok the clan is in the waiting area now. It was hell getting here. Remind me to book my own flight next time. Mom's really loosing it. She couldn't find a bag she was holding.
Also Eric and I saw a semi jack-knife and they took up the whole freeway. We got stuck for a minute or two.
Two more hours and we'll be air bound!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
Dad told Aaron I love you first!!!!! Dad called Aaron and asked how his "Army brat" (me) was doing. Dad just got out of the shower and sounded like he was in a really really good mood and when they got off the phone I heard Aaron say, "I love you too!" I was like, "what?!?" Dad said, "I love you" first?!!?!!?
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Beware of These
Ateh May
Not So Guilty
My Beach Body
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Oh My Golly
Look at that ------------------------------------------------------>>>>> I'ts almost here!!!
Food Answers :)
Yeah, the "old" people drink coffee in the morning. Us "younger" people though, drink caramel machiato's and such! :) Hahaha Anywho, yeah a lots of BBQ sauce. Green salad would be good too. Or even green beans and corn and such. For desert we can have oreo milk shakes or pineapple or watermelon margaritas, or sweet apple pie or cheesecake (costco has really good pies/cakes/everything). Mmmmm i'm getting hungry thinking about it all!
I know that mom, dad, eric n me will drink coffee. I think mom likes folgers. I like the columbian style.
All the food items u said sound yummy to me. U know anything u throw on a grill is good!! Just get alot of bbq sauce! Lol good n easy thats wut i'm thinking! Oh maybe a salad too. ;) cuz u kno i'm on a diet!! HAHAHA YA RIGHT!! .... but still some greens for our digestive tracks would be good. :D
Food questions...
What about coffee?? Who drinks coffee in the morning, and what kind? Creamer?
Sodas?? What's cool with everybody??
Dinner stuff I'm getting, hamburgers and hot dogs, spaghetti, roast, I'll prob do a mexican food night, what else ya' got?? Think bulk dinners!!Think Costco choices!!
Sodas?? What's cool with everybody??
Dinner stuff I'm getting, hamburgers and hot dogs, spaghetti, roast, I'll prob do a mexican food night, what else ya' got?? Think bulk dinners!!Think Costco choices!!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Food Again
So, me and Sister talked a little bit about the food. She'll probably go sometime this weekend to Costco to get a few things. So far this is what's on our list:
Rice (maybe 2 big bags)
Lil Smokies
Pancake Mix
Sandwich Bread
We talked about meat and we think that mom will probably get it from the commisary. Me and Sabrina could also go back to costco when me and Aaron get there. Just call Sister or comment on this blog to add more to the list. This is just so far. I was kinda tired when we talked last night and I was excited to talk to the kids! They are soooooo cute and talkative!! I also just found out that Kaelin gets a kick out of taking her Ateh or Kuya's things while they aren't looking. Hahahaha Too cute! Anywho.....I love you guys.
Rice (maybe 2 big bags)
Lil Smokies
Pancake Mix
Sandwich Bread
We talked about meat and we think that mom will probably get it from the commisary. Me and Sabrina could also go back to costco when me and Aaron get there. Just call Sister or comment on this blog to add more to the list. This is just so far. I was kinda tired when we talked last night and I was excited to talk to the kids! They are soooooo cute and talkative!! I also just found out that Kaelin gets a kick out of taking her Ateh or Kuya's things while they aren't looking. Hahahaha Too cute! Anywho.....I love you guys.

Frickin SWEET Hawaii hat!!!!
I'm Still Doin It

It'll sound like this when I hit the water....GA DOOOSH!!!!!! LMAO!!!
This is what it will sound like when EJ hits... GA DOOOSHSKI!!!!!! LMFAO!!!!! That's funny.
Chinamans Hat
I bought me a grande tuxedo!! Yum!! Sister it will go very fast now!! I cant believe its already like tomorrow!!
On the topic of Nicky's bday....I think the bounce house would be hecka fun to do. Maybe the kind that is a waterslide even!!. Of course we'll pitch in EJ/Sabrina. :)
I sincerely can not wait for this trip!! I'll freakin need a vacation from this vacation!! Hahaha!!! :D
Help me!!! I thought that this week would go pretty fast since I have the whole week pretty much planned (work today, tommorow, Thursday, and Saturday, then first day at my Army unit on Wednesday and clean the apartment on Friday).......but so far it's NOT! :( Today is really really dragging! I had to give in and get my grande caramel machiato with a extra shot because I was really sleepy from just sitting here!!! Really sad. I came in to work saying that I'm not gonna buy one....I don't need it. But....it's been just draaaaagggginnnngggg today! I gotta say though, i feel a lot better. Thank God for Iced Caramel Machiato's!!!
Look At That Water
This is Waimea Bay and would you look at that water, GA DOOOSH I tell ya. Oh well looking forward to this and everything esle we could possibly do, just give me a Margarita in a pineapple with a umbrella and I'm good to go huh Ateh Eileen lol.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Nicky's Birthday
Hey Sister, are we having/throwing a party for him while we're out there? I was thinking if not, we could just take him somewhere he's been wanting to go....is there anywhere he would love to go that's feasible? Maybe we could just rent a bounce house and have a water fight. That is a lot of fun and dad enjoyed watching us do it here! I looked online and the cheapest that I found is $129 for up to 8hrs! They have a lot of choices too. Really good BOY ones too. I'm not sure if the base has any. Maybe you or EJ can see if they have any on base. Just an idea and we would help with it!
Revised Budget
Ok so check out the budget info below. I updated it just now thanks to Sabrina's help. Still open to any suggestions. This is only an idea but let me know if you guys are coo with this.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Dude It's Like 2maro && Were In HAWAII. 14 More Dayz I Cant Wait =],, Were Goin To Have SOOOOO MUCHHHHH FUN
Budgeting Our Money Idea

Ok so last night I was thinking along with Erlene that we need to figure out just how much the important things are going to cost all of us in Hawaii, so I put some figures together for you all to check out and to be honest it's a lot better looking than I thought it was going to be.
Broken down by five groups I've come up with we can call couples, the total cost of things will be divided by 5. Then that amount will be how much each couple pays obviously. The couples are as follows:
Dad Mom
Eric May
Aaron Erlene
EJ Sabrina
Elison Eileen
So for a better look check out how things break down below.
Adults: $27 each, $297 total
Kids: $15 each, $45 total
Total: $342 $69 per couple
Waimea Falls:
Adults: $24 each, $168 total (EJ, Sabrina, Mom and Dad are free)
Kids: $12 each, (4-12 years old) $48 total
Total: $216 $43 per couple
Hanauma Bay:
Adults: $5 each, $35 total (EJ, Sabrina, Dad, & Mom are free for sure and possibly most of us)
Kids: FREE under 13 (Isaiah you're 12 in Hawaii dude)
Parking: $2 per car $6 total (that's three cars)
Total: $41 $8 per couple
Car Rental:
$403.00 per car for 6/19-7/2, 5 passenger dodge calibur through Thrifty rental with promo code #2150.
$806.00 total (2 cars)
$161.00 per couple (that's actually a lot less than I expected)
Ok so now if we add all this taking into consideration that we go to Hanauma bay like 3 times it's about $315 per couple for just the things mentioned above. Even adding in things like kayaks, food and gas you won't break $600 with say $150 for food, $40 for kayaks and maybe $60 for gas.
Please feel free to correct or say anything about these amounts. Think, we might not spend too much. We could replace certain things with say moped rentals or something. Also remember this is just the main things listed up here we still have a alcohol fund that I Aaron will be taking money for lol GA DOOOOSH!!!!!
Ateh Eileen, the previous post is for YOU. Hahaha Especially NO silk panties and bra as a bikini!!!!
Another Rule......
Here's what Ateh Eileen just texted me. "Dad did so good 2day he got up n went outside n messed round wit da bike n stuff he stayed up for bout 2 hours thats good!!!" Aww, I'm gonna cry. Wow!!! GA-DOOSH! That was for you baby. :) We love you dad!!!
OhMyGoodness I only have 4 more work shifts after today! (3 for Aaron) I'm getting sooo anxious I have butterflies in my tummy!....or maybe I have to boo boo. Hahaha
Friday, June 5, 2009
Dole Plantation

Oh yeah, the Dole Plantation is where you can get pineapple ice cream in a cool souvenir cup too. The store is pretty cool in there too. We just didn't buy anything last time because we were poorer then and we really just wanted the ice cream. But it's like a normal gift shop. It's pretty big. Oh yeah, this is where you can buy boxes of pineapples. Me and Aaron are sending one to his parents and one to his sister. Ooooh, we can make margaritas with the pineapple like the watermelon one that I made!!! Mmmmm