Sunday, May 31, 2009
Here is a cheaper place to rent mopeds. The last one we found was $50/day. This one is $35/day plus 10% local military discount. If you rent it for a week it's $20/day. Look at the website here
Group Kayaking
Tanioka's Seafood and Catering
Golly i'm a FATTY!!! Hey I think this place looks really good and the prices aren't bad. Maybe we can go here one of the days. Sister, have you guys been here or heard of it? Look at it here I also looked up moped rentals and one of my co-workers went there a few weeks ago and rented from a place that was only charging $35/day!!! That's pretty cheap. Aaron will be putting up pictures or the website today.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Diamond Head
Stairway to Heaven
Hey, I think everyone should actually print the minutes or copy them somewhere (like our blackberries) and use it as a check off list just before we leave/pack. At least the IMPORTANT THINGS TO BRING part of it and any TO DO parts for those of us that have a "duty."
Elison-Maybe me, you, and your Juya Aaron can go look for the underwater cameras one day and we'll let everyone else know if and where we find them.
Elison-Maybe me, you, and your Juya Aaron can go look for the underwater cameras one day and we'll let everyone else know if and where we find them.
Sorry I couldn't make it to the conference call everyone! I was at work in my own conference call! Hear that guys! I have to go to meetings! At a movie theater! They asked me to help change the business and figure out new/better ways to run it. We're trying to build another ArcLight. BUT!!!!! I think we should bring/buy a lot of card games!!! You know, for those times when the water is just too much and you want to relax on the beach! And so I could whoop Kuya E.J's and Kuya Aaron's butts at go fish or something! Where can we get underwater cameras on the cheap? 'Cuz if not I'm bringing a bunch of ziplock bags instead! Ghetto!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Now its me =)
K I fixed it now it's me. I also set my phone up to be able to blog. Yeah!! I'm kinda smart!!
conference call
Well wasn't that cool?!? One cuz I don't have a computer so it works well for me. =)
Conference Call Minutes
May 29, 2009 8:50PM California time 5:50PM Hawaii time
Present-Ateh May (Moderator), Eric (i gave my 2 cents), Erlene (Secretary), Aaron (organizer), Dad ( YEAH! I can do that right now!), Nikko (oh that's gonna be fun-in his Nikkoish talk), Ateh Eileen ( WHAAAT?!?), Sister (added organization), EJ (ok i'm busy)
Will notify later-Elison and Mom....and kids
Waimea Falls Hike
Stairway to Heaven
Feel free to add/change anything we talked about. We will probably do this again closer to the time with more details. If you need to, go ahead and print this and highlight or whatever you need.
Thank you Love you guys,
Erlene Mims
Head Secretary, CEO #2, Assistant Chairperson,
CNA, UCLA, Cat lover, Honeymooner
Present-Ateh May (Moderator), Eric (i gave my 2 cents), Erlene (Secretary), Aaron (organizer), Dad ( YEAH! I can do that right now!), Nikko (oh that's gonna be fun-in his Nikkoish talk), Ateh Eileen ( WHAAAT?!?), Sister (added organization), EJ (ok i'm busy)
Will notify later-Elison and Mom....and kids
- Rockband
- Picture with fish
- Starfish
- Silent Hill
- Dominoes
- Commercials
- Downstairs
- Recliner/airbed
- Shower outside/at beach
Waimea Falls Hike
- Same day as Waimea Bay (Rock Dive)
- Family picture
- Waterfall
- Food
- Peacocks
- Same day as Pineapple Plantation
- Father's day picnic
- Water balloon fight
- Possibly camp/stay ther for the night. If not, same day as Waimea too.
- Tent rental (Sabrina will find out)
- Night snorkeling every Saturday
- We have to go more than once!
- This is were we can get a picture with a fish!
- We need to pack a lot of food
- Sabrina will call and make reservation
- Everyday there's crab leg's but Monday & Thursday is KING crab legs & "special" dinner
- We can go to the mall before
- Walk down Waikiki after
Stairway to Heaven
- EJ, Aaron, Sabrina, Erlene, and anyone who will get up at 3-4 and will be able to make it up the hike. We will be back in time for the rest of the clan to wake up and start another full day of whatever is planned
- Cooler with a lot of water and food
- We'll figure out who's going and what the rest of the clan will do
- Dad hasn't been since 1976
- Ateh May really wants to go
- If the kids don't want to go, Me and Aaron will stay at home with them
- Spear Fishing (boys)
- Aloha Stadium Swap Meet (girls)
- Talk about more later
- Most important thing that needs to get done
- Aaron and EJ still discussing this
- Average for a car that holds 5 passengers $400 for June 19-July 2
- Aaron/Erlene, Ateh May/Eric, EJ/Sabrina, and Elison about $100
- Ateh May needs to talk to Denise/Mom/Dad about the insurance company deal
- Ateh May/Ateh Eileen needs to make sure dad get's the handicap placard
- Discussed and will be planned more later
- It's a SURPRISE (Nikko) so don't say anything!!!
- Sister and EJ will go buy some before we get there
- We don't need mom to go to costco!!!
- Aaron and Erlene sending money
- You can send money or give it to her when we get there
- We WILL do more grocery shopping when we get there though, just not mom at costco!
- Keep it simple
- BBQ, hamburger, hotdogs, tri tip, ribs, etc.
- Mom just needs pork butt, chicken wings, etc for whatever she cooks
- Fast food place that has everything is around the corner
- For those that want to
- Make/Create your own
- Sunblock (even though we're still gonna turn black)
- Ateh May's blood pressure pills
- Dad's medication
- Dad's wheelchair
- Fins/snorkel/mask if you have them
- Water socks
- Swim suit ( you really only NEED one)
- Shorts
- Camara's
- SP/DS/iPod/Blackberries!!! especially for plane ride
- Phone Chargers
- Eye Glasses/Contacts
- Sun Glasses
- Sun Hats
- Cigarettes
- Attitudes
- Bitchassness
- Laziness
- The whole damn house (MOM)
- No fake asthma attacks
- No "Ahh, my stomach hurts/"
- No "Let's just stay inside and go somewhere later around 3."
- Mom and Dad's date
- Same day as adult's going out night
- we'll find something for the kids
Feel free to add/change anything we talked about. We will probably do this again closer to the time with more details. If you need to, go ahead and print this and highlight or whatever you need.
Thank you Love you guys,
Erlene Mims
Head Secretary, CEO #2, Assistant Chairperson,
CNA, UCLA, Cat lover, Honeymooner
hi guys thanks for the support. its my pleasure to be here helping dad get better i know you guys are behind me 100%. its all about ohana right
Okay Tita, I Read your Post And I Thought Of Another Game Or Activity We Can do In Hawaiii, At The Beach Whoever Can Find The Biggest Star Fish =] That'd Be Cool To See Some Gigantic Star Fish Other Then Seein Patrick On SpongeBob lol! Okay You Guys Think Of More!,,, But We Know We Won't Be Bored In HAWAii.!!! =]
Get Involved!
Ok since we didn't get much response for ideas/comments/suggestions/etc. from EVERYBODY like I wanted, I think we should come up with more games/challenges for the trip. That way we really won't have ANY dull moments while we're all together (like we would anyway) but still. Sister had the great idea of the picture under water and I think we can come up with more. It will be fun!!! And you know how competitive EJ and Sabrina are. LOL
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Ok Dad is doing sooo much better!!! I called dad tonight and he yelled at me!! Which is a good thing!! That means his lung is a lot better and his ribs are healing pretty well! I was asking him how he was and he yelled/raised his voice/used a louder/deaper tone saying, "I'm at home!" LOL I guess he thought I said, "Dad where are you?" :) Then I told him that I was asking him HOW he's doing. I told him, "well sounds like you're doin good since you're yelling at me," and he laughed!!! YAY guys, Dad is superman! Thanks to Ateh Eileen, his caregiver and everyone else at home helping him. Even if it's mom making him mad at her so he yells. That even helps his lung! LOL Anyway, thatnk you family!!!! I LOVE you ALL!!!!!
PS. EJ, I won't tell them how you cried/teared when Aaron told you how well dad is doing and how excited he is for Hawaii!!!! You guys help too!!! He is looking forward and is really really excited to see you guys!!!!
K Where to begin.... First off this is going to be the BEST vacation EVER!!!!! What more can I ask kids/Eric/my parents/brother/sisters/nieces/nephew are all going to be with me. The beautiful beaches of Hawaii!! Maybe that's why I have Hives, I'm so freaking excited that my even my skin is jumping for joy!! k, ewwww..... LOL But your my family and your going to love me with/without hives!!! I heard that guys!!!.... =P..
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
This is yet another picture of Hanauma bay only this was taken on our visit there last year. I dare someone to tell me this place isn't beautiful lol, look at the water alone then look up to the hillside. I can't wait any longer, I'm gonna freeze myself for three weeks and wake up when it's time to go lol.
Waimea Falls
Looks to me like Sabrina couldn't handle sandy beach too well like the rest of us lol. I don't even really remember this happening this must have been taken by EJ. Oh well, Sabrina you gotta stay on top of the board Sis lol but believe me I know how hard them waves were coming in you posted the proof yesterday. For everyone else we are gonna have so much freakin fun.
Nicky and Sockhead
WARNING: You will most likely develop some type of alternate character while you are here.......a symptom of too much fun/sun.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Patience, Nicky, Kaelin
Ok sorry guys and gals. We're postponing the "meeting." We can blame Ateh May and Eric. Hahaha So since me and Aaron are off tomorrow, we can have it earlier. I'm thinking around the time Ateh May get's off work. So I'll call you guys around 5 or 6PM. Thank you Sister Sabrina for getting involved in OUR blog!!! There are some funny posts/comments on there so for those of you who still haven't participated (this is a FAMILY thing) please do so. Any suggestions, ideas, pictures, stories, concerns, or just random stuff you'd like to share with all of us! Have fun, watch the bad words and x rated pics! LOVE YOU GUYS and GALS!!!!
Blog/Blackberry Addiction
I think I'm gonna be addicted to this now. Dang it, even less sleep than I already don't get! I better take a nap now while I wait for Aaron to get off work.
The Shizskis
Oh wow! I love my blackberry!!! This little device is the shitskis!!! The only problem is, I can only type so many characters but hey its blogging on the go!
TONIGHT!!! Tuesday, May 26
Ok guys and gals, we all know that money doesn't grow on trees. So that means we need to make our plans and budget soon. Me and Aaron would like to start working on our itinerary tonight. Please post any ideas that you guys have of anything you want to do. I will be calling you guys (Ateh May, Ateh Eileen, Sister, EJ, and Elison) tonight! We will decide on a time TONIGHT to have our conference "meeting" in the chatbox on our blog. That means you have to be at mom and dad's ATEH MAY or ask Ashley to borrow her laptop and have everybody go to your house TONIGHT! So please start posting. Aaron has put up a few ideas, but we know that you guys (EJ and Sister) have plans too. If possible, please include a weblink or pic or something. Thank you guys and gals!!!! We are sooooo excited!!!
Dad is doing sooo much better !!!
Dad is doing a lot better. He was actually up in his wheelchair for at LEAST 2 whole hours!!! Yay! He had a blast this past weekend. He was throwing water balloons at us from his wheelchair (base) during our water fight! Yes, dad was "base" since we didn't want to get him wet again after his shower in the morning. Or hurt from the crossfire of water balloons and water guns. Pics will be up later. Let's keep him going and keep praying!!! We LOVE you dad!!!
PS we ARE doing this in Hawaii too. It was too much fun. We have to do it with the WHOLE family!!!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Not In Front Of The Kids
Lifeguard Ranger Dan
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Hawaii here we come
June 18 is the day the ortanez and some malicsi are packing up EVERYTHING in the house and goin to Hawaii it going to be Epiccccc.. yeaaa cant wait to jump off a cliff and scuba-dive (i like thats how you spell it) and kayacing yupp its going to blow my mind hope i get to go thoe
Dear Summer,
Twenty Four(24) More Days Till Hawaii & Twenty Two(22) For The Mims Party Haha! =] Where Goin To Get So Black, Haha. We're Goin To Eat At An Oceanarium Thats Pretty Tighht! Lol. I Would Like To Go Swim With The Dolphins But Forget That, $100 Lmao. We'll Have So Much Funn!!! Im Ready To Jump Off That Rock At Waimea Bay Thoe! Cant Wait To See Tito&Tita And The Kids, Oh and Play RockBand! Lol.
P.s I Even Got A New iPod For The Plane Ride! (My Family Really Does Love Me) HaHa jk.
P.s I Even Got A New iPod For The Plane Ride! (My Family Really Does Love Me) HaHa jk.
Shopping-Swap Meet at Aloha Stadium
This is mainly for the ladies. There is a swap meet there where we can get some souvenirs and such. It's a swap meet so I read that it's fairly easy to bater with the sales people (eh hem-MOM). I wanted to go there when me and Aaron were in Hawaii, but we didn't get the chance and didn't really have the money anyway. Since there will be more girls this time, maybe we can go one day with the kids while the boys do something else. Even if we go just to look at what they have REAL QUICK. *wink wink ladies* Hehehe. Anywho, I hope they have good stuff there. Actually......the boys probably would want to go. They can just separate or something so they can leave when they want to. Here is a link you can go for more info.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Just Checkin
I'm on my blackberry right now and just wanted to see if I could actually post something on this blog via opera mini. It'll be pretty nice if this works then I can blog pretty much real time when we're actually in Hawaii, all I gotta do if this works is figure out how top post a picture from my phone and we're golden.
7 of the 16
Ok so here we go part of my beautiful family (looks like they're ready to go to Hawaii doesn't it). So from left to right we have; the boy that in no way looks like he's only just turned 16 today, the yeller and muscle, the um I don't know how to not stay up all night and sleep all day then get mad when you yell at me to wake me up lmao, the boy who can keep his but out of trouble but really is a good kid but still plays video game a bit too much, the woman who would forgether name cause she forgets every freakin thing lol, my wife (can't say anything bout her she writes on this blog plus I don't wanna get beat up later lol), and last but not least the little girl who is as spoiled by her grand parents and gets the boy who gets in trouble at school but is a good kid in trouble all the time and doesn't get caught cause she's cute. Damn I hope you could follow all that. That's my family for you, love these people.
Friday, May 22, 2009
We Have Got To Find A Way!
Ok I know this place is like a lot closer to Maui (like 2 miles off the coast of Maui) but damnit look at that, it's got some of the best snorkeling period, how coo does that look. Oh well maybe if we put our powers together like captain planet or something we can come up wit the money to get us all out there and back in time for some fried chicken.
We Going At Night

Ok so here we have Hanauma Bay yet again, but this here is what it looks like at night time. I didn't know this until recently but you can actually snorkel here at night and there's like nobody there. Basically this mean on one of the two Saturdays we're out here it's going down at night. We just need to make sure Aaron, Eric and EJ understand that there will be no drinkin when we do this lol. Knowing them they'd do it anyway and end up swimming all the way out of the bay. Just terrible.
Best Buffet Ever
This is truly the best buffet I've ever been to ever in my life EVER do you understand me lol. It's the Oceanarium, as you can see by the picture there's a rather large three story fish tank right there for you to check out while you go back and forth to get some more food to make you fatter than you already are. You might think what makes this place the best buffet I've ever been to EVER is because of the big a$$ tank but it's not. The food is amazing, or atleast it was when we went for dinner. Can't wait to go back those beef ribs are calling my name.
Sandy Beach

This is sandy beach a really nice beach to body surf or boogie board if you're not afraid to get tossed around by the waves a little if you're new to it. I personally had a great time for half the time I was out there and was really worn out by the time I got back in as you can see by the other picture lol. We should be making our way out there this year with the family I'm pretty sure they'll all have as much fun as Erlene and I did last year.
Kane'ohe Sunrise

Never seen a sun rise before but hopefully on this trip we"ll get to see one as beautiful as this with my loved ones. How nice would it be to actually be kayaking out to the sandbar or swimming to fishermans hat while this was taking place?!?! I'm really sucker for things you might see in a chick flick lol. I think the only problem with being able to experience this would be getting my family up early enough to get here, I guess I'll have to make sure everyone goes to bed early like 8:00 p.m. lol.