Saturday, May 23, 2009

Just Checkin

I'm on my blackberry right now and just wanted to see if I could actually post something on this blog via opera mini. It'll be pretty nice if this works then I can blog pretty much real time when we're actually in Hawaii, all I gotta do if this works is figure out how top post a picture from my phone and we're golden.

7 of the 16

Ok so here we go part of my beautiful family (looks like they're ready to go to Hawaii doesn't it). So from left to right we have; the boy that in no way looks like he's only just turned 16 today, the yeller and muscle, the um I don't know how to not stay up all night and sleep all day then get mad when you yell at me to wake me up lmao, the boy who can keep his but out of trouble but really is a good kid but still plays video game a bit too much, the woman who would forgether name cause she forgets every freakin thing lol, my wife (can't say anything bout her she writes on this blog plus I don't wanna get beat up later lol), and last but not least the little girl who is as spoiled by her grand parents and gets the boy who gets in trouble at school but is a good kid in trouble all the time and doesn't get caught cause she's cute. Damn I hope you could follow all that. That's my family for you, love these people.